Beth Graham
Midwife / Lactation Consultant

Emma, Knightsbridge
Beth was recommended to me by a colleague as ‘a wonderfully sensible Mary Poppins’ and she has more than lived up to this description! Beth has supported us not just through my breastfeeding journey, but also with reams of sensible advice on routines, independent sleep and newborn behaviour, that fit well with our style of parenting. My partner works shifts and I had to do a lot of the first few months adjusting alone - Beth was always there at the end of the phone whenever I needed her. I had planned to breastfeed to 6 months but decided to continue to a year; Beth has recently supported me with feeding supply questions with my upcoming return to work. We have a happy, healthy son on the 97th centile who sleeps straight through the night, exclusively breast-fed and loving a varied solids diet. We could not have achieved this without Beth and our family are so grateful for all her guidance and advice.
Joanna, Brook Green
My breastfeeding journeys with my two children couldn’t be more different, but the one similarity was the invaluable support from Beth. I called her in desperation when my daughter was 6 days old and she came for a home visit. Immediately putting me at ease with both her warmth and professionalism, she observed a feed and gave me the guidance I had been missing to establish breastfeeding effectively. A number of obstacles followed, and although they were made more manageable with Beth’s advice, I decided to stop breastfeeding at 6 weeks. Far from passing judgement, Beth offered to support me on this part of the process too. When I was expecting my second child, I called Beth again, determined to have another go with breastfeeding. I am so glad I did! 7 months in and I am still breastfeeding my son; different baby, different set of circumstances, different experience. I have recommended, and would recommend, Beth to anyone who could benefit from support at any stage of their breastfeeding journey. She combines expert guidance with empathy by the bucketloads and this combination is very special indeed.
Anelia, Primrose Hill
I met Beth Graham when my baby Nia was 5 days old. I had an uncomplicated Caesarian section and the baby was big, 3,86 kilos. I was determined to breastfeed her as I am fully convinced of all the benefits for both Mums and babies.
As a highly professional medic I thought I knew enough about Breastfeeding. However I quickly realised how much help I needed with establishing breastfeeding. This help wasn't available at the postnatal ward or when I did have someone try and help it was rushed, not consistent and gradually my baby dropped close to 10 percent of her birth weight and became jaundiced.
I was discharged home with no support and despite a visit from the community midwives once again I found the advice on Breastfeeding very vague and not helpful. A few times I reached for the Aptamil bottle...but stopped myself.
At that point I met Beth Graham.
I had an hour long, hands on session with her observing how I was breastfeeding and giving me the most helpful advice in a truly professional way. She also provided me with invaluable advice on expressing and was available for telephone back up advice whenever I needed her, despite her busy schedule. She won my trust and confidence immediately.
Thanks to Beth Graham's support I established a great breastfeeding routine and my daughter has gained weight healthily ever since her first postnatal days.
I Breastfed exclusively for six months and then continued until Nia was 17 months old.
Thanks to Beth Graham I found Breastfeeding incredibly easy and enjoyable despite our rocky start and would not hesitate to recommend her to any new Mum who would like some real professional advice and help with Breastfeeding.
My tip is to call Beth early on after delivery in order to avoid all the anxiety we had with excess weight loss due to lack of nutrition.
Thanks to Beth my baby has been on the 75-91 centile for weight, a healthy chubby baby and toddler and I can't thank her enough.
Claudia, Maidenhead
Beth’s hands on approach combined with a calm, caring & very professional manner made the difference between given up & persevering.
I stopped breast feeding my first born after 3 weeks as I couldn't overcome the difficulties combined with all sorts of infections that giving up seemed the only option for me at the time which I still regret and despite the same initial difficulties with my second born she helped me make it work.
I cannot recommend her highly enough and will be forever grateful as the memories I've got from finally being able to successfully breastfeed my son will stay with me and I've actually missed these very special moments of bonding with him a lot.
Beth comes to your home and stays with you for hours in order to ensure that you can improve your positioning of the baby, shows you the best way for your baby to latch on properly and gives you a wealth of tips & encouragement to help you succeed. I honestly thought I'd never get there, it just seemed so hard and painful but with Beth's help it worked eventually and turned out to be one of the best experiences I've ever had. I ended up breastfeeding my son Daniel for 18 months!
Jessie, Newbury
I met Beth when I was pregnant with my first daughter just under 3 years ago. Beth is a very special and caring individual. Her extensive knowledge of all things pregnancy, breastfeeding and baby related has been a huge help to us over the last 3 years for the birth of our two daughters. We have had challenges with both, in terms of breastfeeding, colic and reflux. Without Beth’s guidance, knowledge, support, enthusiasm and genuine caring nature getting us through the early stages of babies, life would have been far more difficult and uncomfortable for parents and little-ones alike.
Beth has been at the end of the phone at all times of the day (and on some occasions night) and you never get the feeling that anything is ever too much. She was the one of the first people we called when I discovered I was pregnant for the second time. I wanted to make sure that my very own nanny Macphee/fairy godmother was going to be there to hold my hand from the start. Her calm understanding of any given situation and her passion and wealth of knowledge have been a lifeline on more than one occasion. From pregnancy, birth, breastfeeding, the terrible two’s and the impact of babies on a marriage, Beth has been there, reassuring advising and sometimes just listening and holding my hand. I cannot express just how reassuring it has been to know that Beth is there as and when we need her.
We would have no hesitation in recommending Beth Graham as a person you should go to for support and guidance through what is one of the most challenging and yet wonderful times.
Ben, Jo & Felix, London
For me, Beth is the epitome of everything you need from a midwife: a consummate professional who provided us with exactly the right level of friendly support and advice that we needed in the daunting few months after the birth of our first baby.
From her breastfeeding technical assistance and weaning advice to her more general support of the family as a whole, her cheery sense of humour and practical, non-judgemental approach kept us on the straight and narrow. We now have a bouncing eight month old boy, thanks in no small part to her, and we miss seeing her!
Lara, Tuffnell Park
Beth has been the most incredible source of wisdom and support. I breastfed my first child for 9 months and during that time was on antibiotics eight times for recurrent mastitis. Five weeks after my daughter was born I was already on my second course of antibiotics so I put in a rather desperate call to Beth.
Beth really thought about what could be causing my problems. She helped me make some simple changes to the way that I was feeding my daughter which really do seem to have made an enormous difference. She has been on the end of the phone whenever I have needed her and her advice on all aspects of how to care for a new baby in those difficult early weeks has been invaluable.
In the early days after having my daughter I really wasn't sure if I would be able to carry on feeding her much beyond the first few weeks. Thanks to Beth's thoughtful guidance and support I have got to nearly 3 months with no more antibiotics, and I now feel confident that I will get to 6 months and probably beyond.
If you need breastfeeding support you will not find anyone better.
Katherine, Parsons Green
I was thinking about the early weeks with Helena and it reminded me that I wanted to drop you a short update! I am delighted to report that Helena is still exclusively breastfed and absolutely thriving! Ever since her snip (tongue tie release) at 5 weeks she has upped her weight gain and at 4.5 months was nearing the 91st centile, having been born 50th but dropping to 9th as she took almost four weeks to get back to her birth weight. Her length continues to be 98/99th centile so she is much more in proportion versus her rather scrawny look early on!! Thank you so much for helping us in those early weeks and identifying the posterior tongue tie. We are so very glad we went ahead with the snip - Helena hasn't looked back and is so contented and a wonderful sleeper too :-) My dream of feeding her to at least 6 months, like her big brothers is looking like a reality - thank you!!!
Milo, Islington
With Beth's guidance and support our lives became normal again. Our eight month old son was waking up every two hours at night. Neither my husband nor I could function properly during the day. We had only heard about the three day cry-it-out approach, but felt it wasn't our thing. Beth suggested a gradual approach to sleep training that was more gentle on our baby, and (perhaps more importantly) on us. Within a few days our sleep was much improved, and by the end of the week our baby slept 12hrs with one wake up for a feed. It was incredible! We feel human again. I have and will continue to recommend Beth to ALL my pregnant friends and those with babies. Her support with breastfeeding, weaning and now sleep has been invaluable.
Contact Beth
Midwife and Lactation Consultant